Staatliches is used for headlines throughout all media. It should be used with 0-5 point tracking and leading that is 1.1x the font size.
All caps (no lowercase)
Tracking: between 0-5pt
Leading: 1.1x font size
Download Oswald Font Family (300, 400, 700)
Oswald is used as the main brand font. All body copy is set in Oswald Regular with a minimum size for print of 10pt. Oswald Light, Medium, Semibold and Bold are available when the design calls for additional weights.
Body Copy
Sentence case
Tracking: between 0-20pt
Leading: 1.2x font size
Download Helvetica Neue Font Family (Thin, Regular, Bold)
Helvetica Neue can be used when other fonts are not available (web) or on more formal communications that require less personality. Copy is set in Helvetica Neue Regular with a minimum size for print of 10pt. Light, Medium, Bold and Condensed Bold are available when the design calls for additional weights.
Body Copy
Sentence case
Tracking: between 0-10pt
Leading: 1.2x font size